Our History
1973: A Fledgling is Born!
Since its inception in 1973, Denbigh United Christian Outreach (DUCO) has been driven by the mission to reveal the love and compassion of our Lord through helping people who have emergency needs for food or financial assistance.
Inspired by “Key 73” (an ecumenical outreach in North America), Christians from the local churches offered counsel and other means of vital support to their Denbigh neighbors in need. Desiring to reflect the creed and collaborative mission of those helping to support this ministry, the founding fathers formally adopted the name, Denbigh United Christian Outreach, in 1974.

1980s-90s: Growth
As the ministry flourished, Warwick Memorial United Methodist Church offered DUCO the use of its White Building in the early 1980s, where a food pantry and clothing closet were established. Emergency financial assistance continued to be coordinated via telephone by a few dedicated volunteers who worked from their homes.
As the needs of the community increased and to provide a central base of operation, the DUCO Outreach Center was officially opened in the White Building on February 1, 1993. Fellow Christians from the various DUCO churches were invited to take an on-site, active part in ministering to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those in crisis in the local community. After helping so many others find and keep shelter, DUCO now had a home of its own.

Today: We THRIVE!
Because this fledgling ministry spread its wings (in contributors, consumers and range of services) beyond its Denbigh birthing ground, the organization changed its name to THRIVE Peninsula, in 2013, to more accurately represent its present scope and purpose.
Today, spanning the Peninsula, THRIVE leads a union of faith communities and other partners in Encouraging, Educating & Empowering individuals and families facing great adversity—confident that on wings of Wisdom, Hope & Love, all may THRIVE and soar to a greater Good!

THRIVE Peninsula—a name inspired by the Social Weaver (or Sociable Weaver)—is a species of bird endemic to Southern Africa. What is unique about these spectacular creatures is that they build unprecedentedly large community nests able to house over 100 pairs of birds, containing several generations at a time. Recognized by their nurture of younger siblings and even unrelated hatchlings, Social Weaver pairs are nearly always assisted by helpers. Meek but Mighty, they thrive through their collaboratively constructed homes and communal living with different species, despite harsh environmental conditions.
And who, might we ask, reminds us of the Ultimate Social Weaver? It is The Christ—the God-man who embraced all people—championing the isolated, ostracized, destitute and disadvantaged. This Great Encourager thrived in what mattered most in life, celebrating community and the edification of one another. In spite of adversity of epic proportions, this Meek but Mighty Creation gifted mankind with the message of unparalleled Love.
The heartbeat of the THRIVE Peninsula family is that we be conduits of this Supernatural Love and Wisdom. It is the hope that, in supportive community, all God’s people prosper holistically—flourishing in the fullness of joy and strength for body, mind, soul and spirit.

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